Moffat COVID Safe Plan

Effective date: 4th August 2020 

This plan covers the prevention measures for reducing the risk of Covid spread within the company. Safety measures required and actions to be taken in the event of a positive case being diagnosed at a worksite.

For the latest update on the plan click here.
Steps being undertaken to minimise exposure.  

1. Maximize remote working for the majority of the workforce.
2. Ensure any employee who must attend a workplace does not attend if they have even the slightest symptoms of Covid and get tested immediately.
3. Any employee being tested must remain isolated until a clear result is achieved.
4. Facemasks and/or face shields must be worn on site.
5. Hand washing and sanitization must be practiced as per Government recommendations.
6. Social distancing must be maintained at all times.
7. Delivery and pick up drivers must not enter the premises and must follow all protocols.
8. Any employee or visitor must be registered both in and out.
9. Keep any Office based employees restricted to their work area with minimal use of common areas
10. Technicians have specific SOP’s and customer protocols to comply with in addition to these requirements.
11. We also strongly encourage our employees to use the Covid Safe App.

In the event of a positive case or advice from authorities about a potential case the relevant authorities must be notified (Worksafe in VIC) and any at risk contacts must be tested and self-isolate until cleared.

In depth external cleaning contractors must be engaged to clean the workplace before cleared employees return to work. Any advice provided by authorities in this event must be complied with.

Your Manager and HR Manager must be advised of any potential cases and of any testing being conducted to ensure maximum safety for all employees and the community.

Greg O’Connell
Managing Director

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